Scars and Funerals

3 min readSep 10, 2020

Funerals aren’t for the dead. They are for the living.

Suicides have been saddest and disturbing news ever since I was 13.

Teenage is subjective chaos, some have anxiety issues, some have confidence issues, some have pimples and some dry and itchy skin. If that’s chaos outside the body, imagine the mental chaos.It’s a phase where the body needs attention and care.

I came across this quote,”Adults are just scarred kids who make it out of teenage alive.” That’s true right, some make it while some can’t .

Most of us cannot handle our mental needs. We call it stress. Even though we grow out of all the oily, itchy dry skin mess, we still carry little demons inside us. Demons who demotivate, discourage. That small voice, which constantly says, “you are not good enough”. Some fall submissive, some overcome it.

Mental health is gaining importance or I would say a lot of attention these days. But just like other things the seriousness of the issue is also depleted. Gauzing the normal sadness and clinical depression, is strictly professional. However, today where death of an individual is debatable and people are judged for being alone. It’s hard to have a proper, genuine talk which could actually help for most trauma cases.

Today, I think we all agree that “No one is completely sane, it depends how we handle our mental needs. We must agree that some of us need help, be it medication. But, that does not make them weak or weird.

The triggers of trauma are highly subjective, just because that doesn’t affect us, we can’t assume it cannot be a trigger for someone else. The best thing to do is suggest clinical help than isolating or victimizing the person.

Types of mental illness

  • mood disorders (such as depression or bipolar disorder)
  • anxiety disorders.
  • personality disorders.
  • psychotic disorders (such as schizophrenia)
  • eating disorders.
  • trauma-related disorders (such as post-traumatic stress disorder
  • substance abuse disorders.

Today, World Suicide Prevention Day: Raising awareness about suicidal behaviours and how to prevent them. We must be aware and fully non -judgemental towards mental health.

Funerals as I said earlier are for the living. We attend with either remorse or guilt.

